Refundid offers: Instant Refunds, Standard Refunds and returns for store credits.

Refundid is a third party return service which provides shoppers with an option to get an instant refunds* (on eligible items) or a standard refund or a store credit.

With eligible instant refunds there is no need to wait for your order to be shipped back and checked before you’re issued a refund. Use Refundid to get your refund before you’ve even sent back your items.

Or use Refundid to ship your order back for a standard refund or store credit.

Refundid offers $10.60 Australia Post return shipping labels and tracks your return.

With Refundid your refund appears in your account in under 30 seconds.

It's free to use for customers. To get started click the link below:


Click on this link to create an account.

After using Refundid your instant refund process is complete. 

Should we have any issues with your return we will contact you.

If you use Refundid to return a sale item for a store credit you will be contacted by email to receive your store credit once we have received your return back.

If you use Refundid to return an item for a standard refund you will be contacted by email to receive your refund once we have received your return back.

You have the option to purchase a $10.60 return shipping label or use your own.

Please add this shipping tracking number through your Refundid account.

Refundid requires you to ship an item back within 7 days otherwise you request will be cancelled on their end.

Items purchased at Full Price meaning no discounts or markdowns or storewide sales or final sales can be returned within 21 days from your order placed for a full refund.

Refundid will indicate whether you can return an item for a refund or store credit.

When using Refundid, refunds are paid out instantly meaning they are received in your bank account within 60 seconds of the return being lodged through Refundid.

If you select standard refund, this will be processed as part of our normal processing timeframe and won't be processed until we have physically received the return. Please refer to our return processing timeframes.

Refundid is a third party service similar to Afterpay for instant refund or service questions please contact Refundid directly.

When an item is purchased with Afterpay, or any other buy now pay later service, you are still eligible to receive a refund from Refundid by following the Refundid process.

Please note that the refund will not resolve any outstanding Buy Now Pay Later payments, so you will be required to pay any remaining instalments to you Buy Now Pay Later provide. Please contact Refundid for further questions.

It is free to use for customers.

Refundid is our preferred return party.

Refundid offers flat rate return shipping labels for $10.60 deducted from your return.

You will be asked for identification to sign up and prompted to provide your BSB and Account Number. Refundid pays you instantly into this account.

You can track your return and send your return back with an easy return experience.

No need to wait for your order to be shipped back and checked before you’re issued a refund. Use Refundid to get your refund before you’ve even sent back your items.